Oct 03, 2024  
2023-24 College Catalog 
2023-24 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Grading and Academic Honors

Grading System

Grading symbols and corresponding grade points are listed below. Some symbols are not grades but designations of administrative action regarding course work.

A (Excellent) Student has demonstrated outstanding proficiency in mastering course objectives. (4 grade points per credit hour in computation of grade point average.)

B (Above Average) Student has demonstrated above-average proficiency in mastering course objectives. (3 points)

C (Average) Student has demonstrated average proficiency in mastering course objectives. (2 points)

D (Below Average) Student has demonstrated below-average proficiency in mastering course objectives. (1 point)

F (Failing) Student has not demonstrated a minimum passing proficiency in mastering course objectives (0 points)

I (Incomplete) Due to extenuating circumstances, a student may be given an extension of time by the instructor to complete course objectives. The “I” can be issued only at the discretion of the instructor. Once you are issued an “I,” you may not withdraw from the course in which the “I” was issued. The “I” must be made up by the midterm of the following semester or it will become an “F” grade. The incomplete must be completed with the instructor who originally issued the “I.” The “I” does not count in computation of grade point average.

P (Pass) Student has completed the course work satisfactorily. This mark is used for most developmental courses and other courses at the discretion of the college. (Does not count in computation of grade point average.)

R (Re-enroll) The student has made satisfactory progress but should re-enroll until the course objectives are completed. This mark is used for developmental courses only. (Does not count in computation of grade point average.)

V (Audit) Student’s final registration in the course was on an audit basis (no credit). (Does not count in computation of grade point average.)

W (Withdrawal) A “W” is not a grade, but an indication of administrative action requested by the student. You must officially withdraw from a course based on the dates listed on the Academic Calendar found at www.stchas.edu/events. For courses shorter than the normal semester, the withdrawal period will be prorated. A “W” may not be changed to a grade. (Does not count in computation of grade point average.)

AW (Administrative Withdrawal) The grade of “AW” will be assigned to those courses that have been administratively withdrawn from a student’s record. A grade of “AW” will not count in a student’s grade point average but will count in their overall completion ratio. See Board Policy 439 Withdrawal.

Z Administratively unable to give a grade at this time.

Scholastic Honors

Full-time students who earn a 3.50 or above semester grade point average in 12 or more semester hours of credit and part-time students who earn at least a 3.50 GPA for each cumulative 12 credit hours will be named to the
Dean’s List. Developmental courses, pass/fail courses, transfer credits and courses in which incomplete grades were received do not count toward the credit hours.

The Associate of Arts, Associate of Fine Arts, Associate of Arts in Teaching, Associate of Science, and Associate of Applied Science degrees and certificates will be granted with the following designations to candidates of superior academic achievement:

Cumulative GPA of at least 3.50-3.74 - Honors

Cumulative GPA of 3.75-3.99 - High Honors

Cumulative GPA of 4.0 - Highest Honors

Indication of scholastic honors at the commencement ceremony will be based on the previous fall semester cumulative GPA.

Grade Grievance Policy

Students with concerns about grades should, whenever possible, first approach the instructor for clarification/resolution. Concerns about final grades must be expressed by the end of the next regular semester. If, after contacting the instructor, you still have concerns, you should address them to the appropriate program coordinator and/or department chair who will work with you and the instructor to resolve the matter. If the department is unable to remedy the situation, you should address your concerns to the division dean. If resolution still is not achieved, you may then appeal in writing to the Office of Academic Affairs and Enrollment Management. Anonymous calls or unsigned letters will not be acknowledged. Only concerns expressed by the individual student involved will be addressed.

Review of Academic Status

The college recognizes that extenuating circumstances occur from time to time that may warrant further review of a student’s academic progress. Contact Academic Advising for more information.

NOTE: Students with concerns about course requirements, class procedures, teaching styles or grades should follow the procedure outlined in the Procedure for Addressing Student Concerns section of the catalog.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

St. Charles Community College (SCC) has academic standards that all students must meet. It is necessary for students to maintain a sufficient grade point average (GPA) to graduate from SCC, transfer to a four year college or start a career. Students who meet SCC academic standards are making “satisfactory academic progress” and are in “good standing.”

To stay in “good standing,” students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 after they have earned 15 college credit hours or more at SCC.

What Happens if My GPA Drops Below 2.0?

Academic Warning: A student is placed on academic warning when their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 for the first time.

Academic Probation 1: A student is placed on mandatory Academic Probation 1 when their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 in two consecutive terms. The student is also required to enroll for classes with an academic advisor after completion of the workshop and is limited to a maximum of 13 credit hours.

Academic Probation 2: A student is placed on Academic Probation 2 when their cumulative GPA remains below a 2.0 for a third consecutive term. The student is also required to enroll for classes with an academic advisor after completion of the workshop and is limited to a maximum of 13 credit hours.

Academic Suspension: A student is placed on Academic Suspension when their cumulative GPA remains below a 2.0 for a fourth consecutive term. Students will be prohibited from enrolling in courses the semester following the suspension status.

Academic Dismissal: A student will no longer be allowed to attend SCC unless they are academically reinstated by (the Director of Advising Services). Students must wait a minimum of one semester to appeal this status (summer semester excluded). For a detailed list of procedures to apply for academic reinstatement, contact the Director of Advising Services at 636-922-8723.

What if I Get Suspended?

Suspended students will be required to sit out a semester to reevaluate their academic plans. Students may return the following semester. A meeting with the Director of Academic advising is required to enroll in classes. Enrollment is restricted to 13 credit hours.

Students wishing to appeal the layout period and remain continuously enrolled, may make an appointment to speak with the director of advising services at 636-922-8723.

After returning from suspension students are required to maintain a 2.0 term GPA each semester that they attend SCC. A meeting with an academic advisor is required to enroll for classes.

Students who do not earn at least a 2.0 term GPA will be academically dismissed.

To Request a Transcript

We offer electronic transmission of official transcripts. Students can track their status and be notified via text or email when the transcript has been sent. You may request a transcript by accessing this link: www.GetMyTranscript.org. In addition, in-person requests can be made at the Office of Admissions, Registration and Records.